Bar Review Diaries: How Did Last Year’s Diarists Do?
Whatever happened to last year's Bar Review Diarists? Did they pass the bar? Do they have jobs?
Whatever happened to last year's Bar Review Diarists? Did they pass the bar? Do they have jobs?
If you took the bar exam last month, you might be trying hard to forget the experience, or you might be flying far, far away on an exotic vacation. Maybe you are counting the days until results come out in November, or maybe you’re frantically searching for employment before those organ bill collectors start knocking. […]
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The bar exam has come and gone. Our esteemed Bar Review Diarists have lived to tell the tale, and thank goodness none of them fainted or had a baby during the test. But as usual, Mike, Mariah and Christopher also had their fair share of adventures. Keep reading to see how a soggy sweater and […]
This is the Final Countdown. Exactly a week from now, many of you will be stuck at desks for upwards of two days, working to finish that little formality they call the Bar Exam. This is the last time we’ll hear from our Bar Review Diarists before they cross the threshold. They are leaving behind […]
Well, we are just two weeks away. The bar exam looms. Our columnists have given up discussing country life and making fake advice lists. They are putting their noses to their respective grindstones. This week at the Bar Review Diaries, we hear some crowd-sourced opinions about studying for the bar, we learn the secret to […]
We’re closing in on the main event. The holiday weekend may have been your last excuse to slack until the bar exam is over. But here at the Bar Review Diaries, our columnists are at peace. They know they need to buckle down, but they are confident. After the jump, we learn that Mike has […]
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Thus far into the Bar Review Diaries, our intrepid columnists have been strangely in sync with each other. Last week, motivation was the hot topic. Another time, it was simply stress. But I’m not going to lie, this week Mariah, Mike, and Christopher are all over the map. And that’s OK. They don’t plan this […]
Are we sick of studying yet? Do you just want to get on with your life — make money, change the world, put in the hours at the office — as long as it doesn’t include more video lectures? Well, sorry. Here at the Bar Review Diaries, we are still about five weeks away from […]
I’m not sure how to say this, but I think some of our columnists are starting to get a little unhinged. This week on the Bar Review Diaries, we’ll start off with some wood-piling hallucinations and imaginary Kiwi exchange students. Let’s join Mariah in Vermont, a.k.a. the 1860s, after the jump…
We have a definite theme for this week’s installment of the Bar Review Diaries: stress! Big surprise, right? What’s not stressful about a multi-day test that culminates three years of study and kind of determines your entire future? Our columnists are in the thick of their review, and by the looks of it, anxiety is […]
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Memorial Day has come and gone. Hopefully those of you studying for the bar exam took a little time out for hamburgers and baseball. It’ll be awhile until you have such a good excuse for slacking relaxing. Graduation festivities are receding into the past, and the specter of the bar exam looms a little larger […]
June is just around the corner, the sun is shining, and many of our readers are hopefully enjoying their shiny new law degrees. Mazel tov! Unfortunately, the thousands of dollars you spent on three years of law school didn’t quite cover everything you need to pass that pesky bar exam. The ink on your JD […]